Video Ministry

Our mission is to accurately capture every service where the word is spoken for future use, including the praise and worship, with the highest degree of skill and craftsmanship we can achieve, in excellence!

Our charge in particular is to produce a ½ hour-long program for airing on Raleigh Cable Access weekly, as well as video taping all services and providing copies of services and teaching sessions as ordered by the congregation. We also have begun to tape mission trips and provide edited copies.

Included in this mission is the call to excellence in every area of Video Production for each of the camerapersons, audio technicians, directors, editors, cable pullers and producers.

It is the goal of the Video Ministry to train each member to be proficient in all of the different positions, and to increase our skills and craftsmanship to the utmost. I believe this is part of our "High Calling" in Christ Jesus. Remember the craftsmen who built the temple in King Solomon's Day were "the best". We can be "the best" as well in what we do with commitment, practice and God's blessing, and have fun while we are doing it!

Responsibilities and Duties of Video Members

One of the most important qualities is commitment. And this is doubly true of all of our Video Department members. We ask for a minimum six (6) month commitment to the video department to see if this is the place where the Lord would have you serve.

Our commitment has to be to the Lord first, then to the Video Ministry of Higher Call Church. It means to be faithful and be in place at your scheduled task location "on time", and to "hang in there" through your scheduled duty. It also means that you yourself must find someone to be there in your assigned time and place when you cannot.

The video team is not able to participate in the service as much as everyone else due to the complexity of the job you are performing. 'This doesn't mean we miss out on the blessings of God, but we must stay focused to accomplish the task laid out for us. It is my fervent prayer that double blessings of God will be poured out upon us all week long. If you need to participate at any point in the service (ex-going forward for prayer) tell the director so other arrangements to cover your assigned job can be made. We do not want you to miss a ministry opportunity!

Working Positions:
Producer, Director, Audio Technician, Camera Person, Cable Pullers, Video Editors

Media Center
The Media Center strives to have all HCCC and guest literature and media materials readily available for members and visitors, fill orders, set up display tables, maintain inventory and provide personal touch.

If you want to get involved in the Video or Media Departments here at HCCC please contact Denise Roach in the Administration Office! 919-850-9937