Ministry Team

It would be difficult if not impossible to discuss Ministry Team Training without discussing our priorities and values as a church since all that we do in ministry stems from this foundation. 

The Ministry Team Training is governed by the priorities and values of our church. We have four basic priorities: Worship, Fellowship, Evangelism, and Social Concern, and Training. We value Sending the Individual, the Bible, Discipleship, Mercy, Kingdom of God , and Healing.

Ministry is rendering a humble but loving service to the needs of humanity; it is taking a person from fragmentation and brokenness to wholeness, as we are vessels of God in the meeting of needs. Ministry is doing what Jesus did. Ministry is bringing new hope, healing, and life to humanity. Ministry is a natural process. Ministry is an out growth of intimacy and relationship with our Father through Jesus. Ministry is focused on people. Ministry is a gift of self to others. Ministry is working in the "Family Business".

Ministry Team Members are recruited, trained, deployed and mentored through the HCCC School of Ministry.

Overseen by Pastor Maureen Sanger

Recent Articles
Cast Out The Slave Woman and Her Son!

Because we have been crucified with Christ and are living a life of “no longer I, but Christ, living in us” we have to reorient our understanding of how to live. It is no longer by our works, trying hard, achieving by natural means. We are no longer supplying God with use of our natural gifting, asking Him to bless our striving for success. We are no longer trying to curry favor with Him by the performance of “godly Christian disciplines”.

Fall Outpouring 2008

Fall Outpouring 2008 has begun!

Our first night of The Fall Outpouring began last night with a powerful release of prophetic praise and worship. The energy and excitement level in the meeting was explosive. Several people said they had never seen or experienced anything like this, with several people ministering together under a powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Revival Fire

God always shows up at Higher Call but over the last weeks we have expereinced a tremendous outpouring of His spirit in our midst!
