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The Inward Journey
Category: Series

Price: 25.00 USD


Author: Dr. John Sanger

The centermost part of your being is the supreme region. It is the sacred temple of the Holy Spirit. The place where God delights to abide. Where God manifests Himself to the one He created. He gives Himself in a way that transcends both senses and all human understanding. Here the Lord dominates the soul and masters it, instilling in it His own enlightenment. Here you realize how near the Lord is which results in an intoxication and insatiable longing for Him.

Series Includes:

     1.  The Inward Journey
     2.  Heavenly Places
     3.  The Mystery
     4.  Dwelling Places
     5.  The Light Within
     6.  Roots Deep Within
     7.  Compassion
     8.  Paradigm Shift