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Denise Roach

Denise Roach serves as the office administrator of Higher Call Christian Church.  Denise holds a Bachelors of Social Work degree from Mansfield State University, Mansfield, Pennsylvania and has over twenty three years of leadership experience in that field.  Denise previously worked in the Wake County Government System for twenty three years.

Denise also serves as a facilitator of Higher Call's Large Ministry Team and has accompanied Bishop John and Pastor Maureen on many international mission trips ministering in Argentina, Africa, Korea, Mexico, and Russia.  She is passionate and dedicated to the values and priorities of the Kingdom which are expressed at Higher Call.

In 1988 Denise met Kevin at the Wake County Government offices and he led her to Higher Call where they were married 14 years ago.

Denise can be reached at (919) 850-9937 x300 or